The following are fast facts about KIWAKKUKI:-
- Number of employees: 42 male and female
- Beneficiaries
- Number of primary beneficiaries: > 10,000 OVC; > 3,000 PLHIV; > 500 Primary school children- School Health Clubs; > 200 secondary school children- School health Clubs
- Secondary beneficiaries: > 1,000 OVC caregivers, >200 School Health
- Clubs parents and family members. >3,000 patients family members, communities at large.
- Project Area: 80% of total ward of the 7 Districts of Kilimanjaro
- Governing Body: KIWAKKUKI Council made up of elected members from all 6 districts of Kilimanjaro.
- Organizational Structure: 2 Structures one for whole organization another
- one for Team and Committees culture
- Highest Decision making body: Annual General Meeting
- Number of members: >5,000
- Number of Active grassroots volunteers: 1,500
- Presence of Strategic Plan: 2017 -2021
- Sustainability: Annual capacity building for staff, volunteers and beneficiaries, Utilization of existing grassroots groups, utilization of 4 government office space at district level and several at ward and village level. Integration of work by sharing with government extension officers. Own office building, a 5 hectare plot in Korongoni ward being developed for IGA. Same district have own office building.