Mwanga District has a size of square meters 2,641 with a population 115,145 among them Male are 55,327 and Female 115,145. This district has 20 Wards. One of those wards is Kileo Ward which has a number of four villages, namely Kileo, Kifaru, Kivulini and Kituri.
Three of these villages get water from natural canals, rivers etc. Kituri village does not have such water sources. The water of this village is obtained by digging wells and pumping machines and can be used for drinking, cooking, laundry and irrigating crops such as maize, beans, vegetables and Nutritious potatoes.
Kituri village has a total of 22 people living with HIV and who are open about their health. This group really wants to grow food to support themselves and their families but they are not able to do so. Seeing this, KIWAKKUKI decided to help them reduce their dependence on economic self-reliance and make them less dependent on their communities.
Following are some pictures showing Water well and pumping machine for watering maize, vegetables and Nutritious potatoes.
After getting Water Pumping Machine the agricultural work started and the reality is what it looks like. Now they get vegetables for use with their families, they sell and earn money.
They have set up a Savings and Loan Fund so that they can earn more income so that they can do business that will increase their income.
Water well with a height of 5 - 7 ft
Water pump machine "Boss Type" 3mm used by 3 - 5 people.
Group members working in the field.
Maize plants.
Vegetable gardening.
Nutritious potatoes plants.
Group members harvesting vegetables ready for sale.
Vegetables packed in bundles ready to go to the market for selling.
A small garden within the household.
Group members at a VSLA meeting.